Ref: 3212

TO admin of O.A.E.E. Mrs Kotidou Georgia


Honorable Admin,
The Federation of Professionals – Craftsmen and Merchants Magnesia. Informs you that in our region all companies are in the red because of the non-liquidity and the low movement.
A large number of our colleagues in failing to pay the minimum operational obligations consistently have daily padlocks and mortgaging their insurance rights.
On the one non-liquidity and the other non-finance from the banking system and the continuous poll taxes, extraordinary contributions, hike SOEs have brought almost all our colleagues in despair and difficult financial position. Therefore countless daily payment orders does not allow our colleagues to have the basic goods for the sustainability of their business.
Both the meeting held on July 23, 2012 and from the telephone bid O.E.V.E.M found that all colleagues have tremendous inability to settle their debt to our Fund.
For all these you reason we ask to be gentle circular setting debts 120 monthly installments with no down payment, so that our colleagues and their families have a basic health care, and of course our Fund to be able to collect some revenue for operating needs.

Mr. Admin,
When one of our colleague is unable to get insurance and tax clearance then essentially puts the tombstone business. When our colleagues operate their businesses only during the day because they were unable to pay the electricity bill or other operating liabilities such as rents, tax office, municipal taxes, suppliers, gas, Chamber, etc. Then create conditions annihilation of businesses. When the illegal trading-smuggling is so much large area, it is possible to enable our colleagues to settle their debts without any favorable circulars to settle their debts?

For these reasons, the Federation of Professionals – Craftsmen and Merchants & N. Your Magnesia submit the following proposals:

1. For the sustainability of both the OAEE and our colleagues assured there needs to be an actuarial study to determine the economic parameters of the single carrier with a schedule of 50 years.
2. Pension benefits OAEE may not be below 1.500 €.
3. To have a rational addressing tax evasion.
4. Law voted for funding 2/3 of the state and the third of the insured.
5. Reach reserve specific account character and the revenue coming from privatization and of course to strengthen the security system.
6. Include the calculation of pensions with successive insurance in order to avoid a reduction of the pension by 30% and increase insurance premiums by 30% punishing job mobility and feeds undeclared work.
7. To integrate immigrants into the formal labor market.
8. To pay insurance contribution department stores and banks for all their branches.
9. To be circulars for mild debts settings without down payment and repayment in 120 monthly installments, so that the nightmare of small businesses to find relief.
10. To finally stop the mortgage insurance rights of small entrepreneurs.

Finally attach your study of IME GSEBEE of relief that shows great economic maelstrom of our colleagues.
27.8% of companies state that owes rents.

Arrears on utilities (electricity, telephone, water) says 31.4% of respondents.
One in three companies has delayed obligations to suppliers.
The OAEE shall old contributions 38.3% of respondents, while 22.3% of businesses with employees are required insurance contributions to IKA.
Delayed VAT or FMY said he owes the IRS 27.3% and finally almost the same percentage (27.2%) have debts to banks for loans.

It further noted that 73.5% of entrepreneurs had to use personal deposits to meet the needs of the business.

Almost 1 in 4 companies (24.3%) thought likely to engage in closure the next time. Given that all the micro and small enterprises is 740,000 according to the latest estimates by the European Commission, it is estimated that about 180,000 businesses face immediate risk closure.
Recorded a rate of 26.9% (or approximately 200,000 businesses) indicating continuing difficulties of their business.
Based on the above, taking into account the sustainability factor, it is estimated that the net reduction in business will be 61.200 in the next year – including about 12,000 in the next quarter.
Under a moderate scenario, it is estimated that there is a serious risk of being lost almost 240,000 jobs (employers, self-employed, employees).
In Tiresias SA 1070.000 today are households and small businesses.
In debt-ridden banking system is now at least 75% of companies, so we understand the great economic vortex passing SMEs. That is why we are forced to ask both of you, Mr. Governor and the OAEE Administration to be mild debts settings. Thank you in advance and look forward to a prompt and definitive solution.

Costas Kogias
Apostolos Poulios