Position of GSEVEE on the operation of the stores for Sundays

While we are in the final phase of the deal and shortly before the second evaluation, circles of institutions are coming back with new irrational claims and re-raise the issue of Sunday’s opening of the stores by setting it as a prerequisite for closing the deal.

GSEVEE has the obligation to once again inform the citizens of the country, the parties, the enterprises, the producers, the media, the other social partners and warn the institutions of the negative effects that such regulation will have on Market and domestic companies, while also pointing to the institutional deviation that will prevail if this proposal prevails.

While the decision of the CoE plenary (100/2017) on the unconstitutionality of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights is still fresh, Growth Ger. Yakumatou (K1 / 1119 / 7-7-2014) for the pilot release of 52-Sunday shops in specific tourist areas, is challenging that a door-to-door setting proves to be an empty arrangement that leads to distortions of competition.

Furthermore, there is no international study or research substantiating the necessity of such a regulation, as there are no findings of a positive impact on the economy, either on the level of prices or on the level of employment, or much more on turnover and The number of businesses. It is undoubtedly a worldwide patent that the idea being trafficked is that, given the lower income of citizens – in addition, they have already agreed on a reduction in the tax-free limit for the coming years – there will be an increase in consumption and thereby an increase in jobs.

Even in the OECD’s famous 2nd Competition Toolkit, which we have never been asked to table on our proposals, there is no clear wording about the potential benefits of freeing up shop operations. On the contrary, there are a number of studies that highlight the dangers for a smooth economic and social life, as well as the impact that such a measure will have on family planning and leisure management.

The issue of freeing up shop operations is not only symbolic and value-driven, but it has a wider impact on the economic environment and the market ecosystem. It affects the market related to entertainment, domestic tourism, social events, affects the quality of goods that will be available in fast-food outlets. On an empirical basis, the 8-month economic results on the market indicate a significant decline in turnover over the years of the measure. It is noteworthy that there is no European capital that will apply to the universal operation of all shops all days of the week (from Madrid, Lisbon, Paris to Amsterdam, Brussels, Luxembourg, Vienna).

It is now obvious that the targeting of those who propose such a measure is to further reduce the number of small and medium-sized enterprises, to the advantage of oligopolistic multinational groups. Those groups, which even provocatively demand more favorable treatment and the issue of loan restructuring, with the exception of small businesses, than being subject to the out-of-court debt settlement mechanism.

We call on the government to give this battle without an asterisk and not to hide behind other interstellar bargaining intentions. Negotiation on this issue is not an empty shirt, but a survival requirement for hundreds of thousands of businesses and their employees, is a condition for the recovery of the economy at local and regional level.

GSEVEE, aware of the seriousness and urgency of the matter, will convene tomorrow Thursday’s extraordinary Bureau to take decisions and coordinate its actions. We call on the respective tertiary trade union organizations of the country to do so, with a sense of responsibility and in the light of the national interest of the country and the Greek economy.


“The Constitution guarantees for all employees and employees (freelancers, etc.) the right to free time and the enjoyment of the individual and their family, as a regular break of weekly work.

This break serves the health and smooth development of the personality of the individual with the physical and mental renewal offered by the regular holiday to the working person within each week (Articles 5 and 21 of the Constitution).

In this connection, it also offers the possibility of organizing its social and family life, matters for which the Constitution also follows (Article 21). “